Everyday is a Fashion Show & the World is your Runway.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 Y 5:00 AM

People will tend to get scared whenever the word terrorism is being mention. Well, unfortunately for me, I am not afraid. This is because I know that the goverment is their job in keeping terrorism at bay. Take for an example, the escape of Mas Selamat. Firstly, I must say that he had planned an ambitious escape plan. Never have I heard of any prisoners escaping from the jail without getting caught till last year. And I must that, Singaporeans were all worried about the escape of Mas Selamat and afraid. The Goverment tried all ways to track him down and even combed the whole jungle. And for those who loves to go to Malaysia for short trip or so, who can forget the locally famous long stretch of waiting cars wanting to get pass the checkpoint?

After a few months passed, Mas Selamat was not even caught and many assumed that he had been killed by the authorities while being interrogated. Well, if you think this is ridiculous perhaps you are right but thats what my parents claimed and even speculations about this. They were so sure that he was being killed but I guess things took to a whole new different level as we all know Mas Selamat was captured 16 months after that. This shows that, the Goverment is going all out to stop terrorism at all cost. Therefore, I do not see a reason about why we should be afraid although I have to admit that the way I think about terrorism and how the goverment is taking care of it is absolutely wrong.