Everyday is a Fashion Show & the World is your Runway.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Y 2:54 AM

I'm Arachnophobic.
I was only 5 years old when I had a scary encounter with a spider.A huge one. So this is what happened at that point of time.
I was in the toilet,peeing when I decided to be cheeky and just chanted
"Spider spider,come out if you dare!"
I giggled at my joke soon after. After I'm done, I had my shower. So while I was singing, a huge hairy brownish-blackish spider appeared right infront of me. I freaked out and I screamed at the top my lungs. I continued screaming till one of my sister rushed to the toilet.My sister came rushing to the toilet to find out why in the world would I just screamed at the top of my lungs.When I told her what happened,she did not believed me.She kept asking me to bathe and that there is no spider or whatsoever.I protested back saying,
" Theres a big huge ugly spider hiding behind my towel!"
As my towel was put on this metal bar, the spider crawled to my towel while I screaming.
I began to cry cos I know that if I were to bathe alone, the spider would just keep on crawling the whole toilet and I will just stoned there for as long the spider is there.
I made a plea to my sister,asking her to bathe me. She had no choice but to just agree. I was indeed happy because I knew that whatever happens, the spider would crawled up to my sister's leg first as I would be seeking shelter from the spider behind her back.
As I finished bathing, I asked my sister to help me take the towel from the metal bar. I saw her expression on her face.She was terrified.At first,she just kept quiet.I,too,just stared at her waiting for her to the towel.By then I was making alot noise because of the cool breeze that slapped me gently on my skin.She gathered all her courage and ganered her strength and slowly stretched out her arms towrds the metal bar. There was silence between us. No one knew where the spider could have gone.
As she pick up the towel,the spider came crawling out fast and the both of us screamed! My sister let go of the towel and quickly ran away from the kitchen toilet. I was also screaming and I just ran out of the toilet,without any clothings or towel wrapping around me.I was crying and screaming at the same time whereas all my sisters were like screaming and laughing at the same time.
From then on,I have never stepped into the kitchen toilet or go anywhere near there. I kept telling myself that a scary monster is there and it will eat me up.Eventhough my Mum convinced me that the spider is killed, I would never take her word.
From this experience, I learned that if you chant something like
"Spider spider,come out if you dare!"
it would really come out and all our macho-ness would melt us into a coward gone mad.
Till this day,whenever I see a spider,whether is it big or small, it will sent shivers down my spine. Thats all I've got for now.
Ashlina is Arachnophobic.


Sunday, January 25, 2009 Y 9:46 PM

My Holidays
Here are some of the things I did during the two months long school holidays.
Touch Rugby.
This is the sport that I love very much.It cannot be put to words as to how much I love it.
So anyway.I followed my third sister to her games at Republic Polytechnic and Singapore American School. Both matches made nervous and scared as my sister team doesn't seem to be a good team. They eventually lost to the SAS team which is not suprising at all because the SAS team way much more stronger and agile team that NTU.But this time,they did better in terms of the number of touchdowns.The last time NTU scored 5 touchdowns whereas SAS scored 21 touchdown.But then after the second faceoff,SAS scored 21 whereas NTU scored 14. A major difference from the first faceoff.Over at the Republic Polytechnic game,NTU won RP.It was a nail-biting match as there were a few moments were refree did not impose any penalty against RP when it was so obvious that RP team did a file. But in the end,NTU won and they deserved it.
Working with my Dad.
Well,this is interesting.I have never liked working in my dad's company as I think that its easy for me to gain weight(due to excessive amount of time seating down and facing the screen),its boring and this occupation needs alot of patience and I need to be fast in finishing the paperworks prior to the dateline which none of these qualities exsisted in me.But due to offer he made(think $60 bucks a day!),I could not resist and so I just accepted his offer.Well,at least i was helping a hand to the clerks.So I worked form 12pm all the way to 6pm tearing papers from its stacks and removing staples of the paper.All that for 10 bucks per hour. I know its too much for a 3 day contract worker. But i got 14 bucks on the second day and I took an off day on the third day as I was rich kid on the third day.but during these two days,I realised that I cannot be to dependent on my dad.I think the reason why he wanted me to work for him is for me to realised that everything doesn't come free and that you need to wrok hard for them.And if you want a particular thing, you must save up.Well,I made him bankrupt the last time he went shopping with me.(well,not exactly) So he did get his message acrossed and thanks to him,I learning to save up and be Miss Independent forever!
Jamming with my cousins!
On the 30th of November, I decided to spent my Sunday at my cousin's house as he had bought the GuitarHero set.Well,if you are wondering what GuitarHero is,it is actually a set of instruments such as,guitar and drums plus a microphone.So,songs will be given inside that set and you could choose which songs you would like to play.Its a very addictive game and its a family game.Even my grandmother tried to play the drums! Well, the main reason why I decided to hang out with my cousins is because I have not been going out with them for quite a long time and I just wanted to just chill with them and fiind out whats happening to them.
Its good to keep in touch with our cousin-Ashlina.
So basically,I had fun on that day and i treasured it alot.
Alright,I'm done! Watch out for the next one!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Y 3:57 AM

Our Growth Day was held last Friday.The best part was,we did not have any lesson which I like most.Growth Day is my favourite day.Last year,we did our part in supporting Singapore in the Youth Olympics 2010.We were given small boards and we had to decorate it.The whole school was involved which makes it even more exciting because the product of it will be cool. So anyway,back to last friday, we were introduced to Habits of Minds.And our task was to create a 30 seconds advertisment on the HOM that was given to our class which is "Thinking and communication with clarity and precision.And then our advertsment will be shown to the whole school.Unfortunately, many of the students could not understand our video.But it was fun though.Then we had a talk show called The TGIF show. Terence Goh,our senior was the host and he invited a few students to talk about the December vacation trip.It was exciting looking at those pictures.Well,Growth Day was really fun and I hope that whatever I had targeted for this year will be achieved. Byebye!